Kimchi (Korean Fermented Cabbage) 35 Oz.

Product Description

Initial fermentation of kimchi occurs during the first 1-2 days in room temperature. During this optimal fermentation phase, it releases CO2 as its juices start to bubble and forms its ph acid which makes it taste tangy with a crunch, fresh texture of cabbage. Kimchi continually ferments and ripens as it ages - so it never goes bad.

  • Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria that aid in maintaining the balance of microorganisms in our body's intestinal tract. On average, the human digestive system contains more than 400 types of probiotic bacteria. These all serve to inhibit the growth of dangerous bacteria by promoting the health of the digestive system. Well-fermented kimchi is known to have antibiotic functions such as lactic acid bacteria produced in the fermentation process which then suppresses the growth of harmful bacteria. It also helps to prevent the growth of other bacteria in the intestines. For meat eaters, kimchi also helps to prevent hyperacidity that is the result of excessive meat intake and other acidic foods. helps reduce indigestion and gas. Excess bad bacteria causes irritation leading to indigestion, gas and fluid retention. - helps you feel less hunger. Lactobacillus, one common strain of good bacteria has been linked to appetite control. Good bacteria helps stabilize blood-sugar levels which means less frequent and less intense hunger and fewer fat storage hormones. Some studies have shown that kimchi can shorten the duration of a cold. Other studies have shown that kimchi can help clear up yeast infections and UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections). The juice and salt from kimchi helps to keep the intestines clean. The chili peppers and garlic help to lower blood cholesterol and are an aid in blood-clotting.

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